May 17, 2011


what is idioms ? have you ever heard that ?
not yet ? well...
so let's learn about idioms :) 

An idiom is a phrase where the words together have a meaning that is different from the dictionary definitions of the individual words.. sometimes it can make idioms hard for learner to understand.. 

why "mind" ? because the mind plays such an important part in making us what we are, hehe

so, here they are ; a whole list of these cool expressions :)

1. A MIND LIKE A STEEL TRAP : a very quick and understanding mind, which is quick to catch an idea.

2. BE IN TWO MINDS AOUT SOMETHING : be unsure, unable to decide

3. BE OUT OF MY MIND : be mad, crazy

4. BLOW SOMEONE'S  MIND : impress or overwhelm someone

5.CHANGE YOUR MIND ; to make a new and different decision or choice

6. CROSS YOUR MIND/ PASS THROUGH YOUR MIND : come into your thoughts suddenly

7. GET A LOAD OF YOUR MIND : say what you are thinking


9. HAVE SOMETHIING ON YOUR MIND : be worried about something and often think about it.

10. KEEP/ BEAR SOMETHING / SOMEONE IN MIND : to remember something / someone

11. KNOW YOUR OWN MIND : know exactly what you want

12. MAKE UP YOUR MIND : make a decision

13. NEVER MIND : it doesn't matter

14. ONE-TRACK MIND : a  mind obsessed with only one thing

15. READ SOMEONE'S MIND : guess what another person is thinking

16. SLIP YOUR MIND : be forgotten

17. SPEAK YOUR MIND : say frankly what you think or feel

18. TAKE YOUR MIND OFF SOMETHING : take your attention away for something

19. OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND (PROVERB) : what we don't see we tend to forget

20. TO MY MIND : in my opinion.

The advantages by using idioms are :

- you will look smart when you use it .lol
- of course it can improve your english skill
- you will not stuck with the same word when you create a sentence

so, don't be confuse anymore guys ! :)

taken from : usingenglish, & cns magazine

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